The other day a German woman, for reasons yet to be explained, jumped into a polar bear habitat at the Berlin Zoo during feeding time. She was, of course, mistaken for food and bitten until the staff hauled her out. Had they not been able to haul her out, the staff would have been forced to shoot the bears. It would seem easier to shoot the woman, no? The link above was selected primarily because there are no pictures. I've got a lot of dark thoughts, but I still don't want to see a bear try to eat a screaming woman - that's one toke over the line.

For those of you who are not familiar with 826 National, 826 Boston, or any of the other chapters, GET WITH THE PROGRAM. What 826 does for kids should be touted from every rooftop in every city. They provide after school tutoring, writing workshops, and most importantly a place where imagination is fostered and encouraged, as opposed to the majority of the schools these kids go to.
Got some extra cash laying around? Donate it. Spare computer parts? Office supplies? Stamps? Donate it. Each chapter has different needs, so check out their respective websites to see what is needed.
I just dashed off (read: copy/pasted) emails to each chapter and 826 National offering my services to help spread their good word through Twitter. Awaiting responses.
News rundown: