Jan 31, 2010

On Mustaches

I have recently signed up for the 826 Boston Moustache-a-thon.  This is a six-week challenge to grow a mustache, with weekly weigh-ins all for charity.

There are, of course, two acceptable spellings for this lip hair: moustache, and mustache (though not according to my spell check).  I will be using both in this post.  Those who are looking for a little consistency in the spelling can suck it.

Starting next week I will be posting the link where I can be sponsored for this glorious attempt.  I got the official blessing of the wife, and registered my upper lip before she could change her mind about it.

I found (stole) the following chart online to assist me in selecting the exact style to go with.  Please let me know if you have a favorite.
Since pledging to do this, I have come across a multitude of mustache-related wonderment that I now need to share.

 I urge you to donate to 826 Boston, if not through my stellar lip hair, then directly through their site.

As the weeks go by, expect regular updates, including pictures.  Below is an example of the last time I grew a mustache.  It's creepy, I know.  I call this Midnight Produce Manager.  Enjoy.

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